Google Docs Now Supports Microsoft Office Documents
by 27 November, 2010 3:04 pm0

Have you ever dreamed of using Google through Microsoft Office? We sure have! But no one ever thought they would see the day both massive teams joined forces.
Google has now unveiled a unique service which allows Google accounts to be synchronized through Microsoft Office Suites. Basically the service is designed for those users with files still embedded in Microsoft Office programs. If you’ve not made the jump to the newer Google Docs online service, then you’ve been unable to work on older Office documents with Google accounts, until now.
The service is called Google Cloud Connect. It will ultimately allow users to sustain work in Microsoft Office while also taking advantage of the Google docs service- this is a huge step for loyal Microsoft Office users. It will also possibly convert a new batch of Google users (from Microsoft users) who are more open to try out the service.
The Cloud Connect service transfers documents – created and altered in Microsoft Office – online to be associated with individual Google accounts. Once the documents have been linked to an account, a specific URL is produced for each file. Users can then access the uploaded/synched files through Google docs service for further editing. This allows a large group of users to work on the same file or project via the internet.
Google Cloud Connect is however still in a testing stage, and the developers are looking for early testers to provide bug and feedback information. If you are intrigued and wish to join the list of early testers you can do so via the Google Cloud Connect site.
For those unfamiliar with Google Docs, here is a brief explanation. The Google Docs service basically stores various files and documents online which allow for editing via alternate locations or even allow a plethora of users to edit a single file. The service is fantastic for use at a business or home office. Users can begin work on a document at the workplace or at home and then start immediately where they left off without the need to transfer files or carry around portable storage drives. The service also allows users to pass on finished work to other users for further editing or additions. All files are securely protected from unauthorized use as well, so there is no need to worry about alternate users and outside sources stealing work.
Google Docs is already an excellent collaboration service and now it will also encompass those Microsoft Office users brave enough to try it out!
We have created a forum thread on the new Google Cloud Connect service! Please register and come join the discussion. Let us know how you feel about the latest online document service. Are you going to participate in the early testing? Are you looking forward to using Google Docs with Office documents? Are you going to stay away from the Google Docs service completely? Please visit the forum discussion and let us know your thoughts in this thread!